
Terra Tarango

112 results.

December 7, 2018 December Syndrome

There’s a virulent scourge running rampant in schools. Symptoms include: inability to focus, impaired short-term memory, restlessness, failure to follow directions, and occasional moodiness (this…

November 21, 2018 No Time for Student Feedback? Fret Not—Here Are Some Quick Tips

Have you ever looked—really looked—at a student’s face after you’ve offered positive feedback on their performance or behavior? I have. It’s unforgettable. In many cases,…

November 7, 2018 The Perseverance of Baby Bear

Thank you Facebook, for greeting me this morning with the most agonizing 3-minute video of a bear cub desperately trying to climb a steep, snowy…

October 3, 2018 3 Common Math Practices that Need to Die (And What You Can Replace Them With)

Our education system is full of instructional dinosaurs, activities that we do simply because they’ve always been done, for decades, and we can’t imagine classrooms…

September 26, 2018 Thinking Killed the Knowing Star

The world doesn’t care how much you know. It only cares about what you can DO with what you know, how you can apply critical…

August 31, 2018 Blow Bubbles When Necessary

I recently stumbled across the #TheMeaningOfLifeIn4Words hashtag, and though I'm a writer and a lover of words, I'm also a fan of simplicity and essence,…

August 7, 2018 We Start with Stars in Our Eyes: A Dear Evan Hansen Back-to-School Guide for Teachers

Let me start by saying, if you have the opportunity to see the Tony-award-winning musical, Dear Evan Hansen, do it. Just do it. You can…

February 2, 2018 You Are What You Teach (And You Teach What You Are)

Almost every teacher enters education with an idealistic mindset. We want to make a meaningful difference in the lives of young people. We want to…